2020’s Dirty Dozen List – What to do When You Can’t Buy Organic Produce

Source: Olearys

It’s always best to go organic with your foods, especially with your fruits and vegetables. But there are times when the budget is really tight or our options are very limited. What do we do then? Do we just give up our health? Or not eat any produce at all if non organic is our only option?

The quick answer is “No”. We don’t have to give up either!

Let’s face it, most of us need MORE fruits and vegetables in our diet…not less. So nixing them is not an option. But what about the pesticides and chemicals coating the non organic produce?

That’s where the “Dirty Dozen” and the “Clean 15” lists can come to help you. Taking these with you to the grocery store can help you find the MOST and LEAST chemically laden produce when you can’t buy organic all the way.


2020 Dirty Dozen

  1. Strawberries
  2. Spinach
  3. Kale
  4. Nectarines
  5. Apples
  6. Grapes
  7. Peaches
  8. Cherries
  9. Pears
  10. Tomatoes
  11. Celery
  12. Potatoes


2020 Clean Fifteen

  1. Avocado
  2. Sweet Corn*
  3. Pineapple
  4. Onions
  5. Papaya*
  6. Frozen Sweet Peas
  7. Eggplant
  8. Asparagus
  9. Cauliflower
  10. Cantaloupe
  11. Broccoli
  12. Mushrooms
  13. Cabbage
  14. Honeydew
  15. Kiwi

* Note: Some sweet corn, papaya and summer squash sold in the United States are GMOs, so choose organic to avoid GMOs.




In Season… Out Season

Fruit and vegetables

Have you ever wondered why some fruits and vegetables only grow at certain times throughout the year…not all year ’round? Well, maybe that is because God only intended us to eat them at specific times…


  • They are fresher and better tasting. Now I KNOW you have bought produce from the store and have found it to taste much better and have such a good flavor at certain times, as opposed to others. Did you ever notice if it was one season versus another? When you eat (say…a strawberry) during the months when it grows naturally out in the garden as it was meant to be (as long as you don’t pick it too soon) you get a nice juicy berry flavor. Now, compare that to a strawberry you buy at the store during December. Harder, not much flavor or juice, and maybe even a bit sour, huh? Which would you rather eat?
  • They are cheaper. It’s true!
  • You get better nutrition from your foods when you consume them when they were naturally meant to be. 

Think about it: What if we were all back to growing all our own food? When would you be eating them? When they grow, right? RIGHT!

OK…so now that we have understood WHY we should eat foods in their proper season, let’s look at WHAT foods to eat in which season. Now, it also depends on where you live (as some foods are in season a little differently than in other places), but here are some main ones to get you started:

Spring/Summer Fruits and Vegetables:

Asparagus                                               Apricot

Beans                                                      Blackberries

Broccoli                                                   Blueberries

Cauliflower                                              Cantaloupe

Corn                                                        Cherries

Cucumber                                               Figs

Eggplant                                                 Grapes

Lettuce                                                    Kiwi

Peppers                                                   Mango

Summer Squash                                      Peaches

Tomatoes                                                 Pineapple

Zucchini                                                   Plum





Fall/Winter Fruits and Vegetables:

Beans                                                    Apples

Broccoli                                                 Cranberries

Brussel Sprouts                                     Grapes

Cauliflower                                            Grapefruit

Cucumber                                              Lemon

Eggplant                                                Orange

Peppers                                                  Papaya

Pumpkins                                               Pear

Tomatoes                                               Persimmons

Winter Squash                                       Raspberries



So take the list and eat to your heart’s content! Bon Appetit!

“To everything there is a season…”

Shopping on a Dime!

Grocery food shopping bag - vegetables, fruits, bread and pasta

Let’s talk about finances!!!

I know, it’s everyone’s favorite subject. 🙂 But I am going to talk about how you can still shop and buy all that you need for a healthy living while you are on a pretty tight budget. I know you are always looking for ways to save money… but you don’t want to go hungry, either.

So! Let’s get right down to it, shall we?!

1. Make a Meal Plan

Plan ahead. The key to staying on or under budget. When you write a meal plan for the week it helps you to make out your shopping list and plan accordingly for each meal and gives you ideas on what to look for in weekly specials and savings.

2. Don’t Shop Hungry

When you are hungry it is so much easier to let temptation get the better of you. You could end up walking out with things you don’t really need. Try going on your shopping trip after you eat… or at least have a snack. 😉

3. Use Coupons

Checking online at your store’s website (or if you get ads mailed to your house each week) just before you go out can send you off with some good savings in your hand.

4. Stick to Your List

This is very important. Only put items on the list that you need for that week (and that are within your set spending budget) and stick to it! If you purchase items that are not on your list you will see how very quickly you can exceed your budget. Now this can be hard, and there are allowed exceptions (such as a few items that you forgot to put on the list), but for the majority of the time avoid things that are not on your shopping list. Your budget will thank you.

5. Freeze Fruits and Vegetables

Buying fresh fruits and vegetables while they are on sale and freezing them not only helps save you some money in the long run… but it also helps them last longer. Just be sure to write the name and date on the bag. 🙂

*As a side note: only purchase fruits and vegetables in bulk when it is within your budget and on your list. This is where planning ahead and looking at your weekly specials comes in handy for writing out your shopping list.

6. Get Creative With Meals

Be careful about wasting food. That is where most of our food budget goes down the drain (quite literally 😀 ). Try making meals where you can reuse your leftovers to create a completely new meal for the next day. Or devote one day a week to being leftover night. You can make a little bit of food stretch out longer… without losing any of its “deliciousness”. 🙂

Here are some idea recipes you could try (just to get your brain storming moving 😛 )

Chicken Casserole

Vegetable Beef Soup

7. Cut Back on Other Articles

Budgeting doesn’t have to be limited to just the food side of your bill. We spend a lot more money than we realize on (and use a lot of) different cleaning supplies. You can cut a large chunk out of your spending (and toxins) by making your own…

Laundry Soap

Dish Soap and

House Cleaners


Happy shopping, everyone!