Immune System Functions and Autoimmunity

Our bodies are made to combat germs and protect itself from harm. We have a built in defense system against illness and other harmful things seeking to damage our health. We are continually exposed to organisms that are inhaled, swallowed or inhabit our skin and mucous membranes. Whether or not these organisms lead to disease is decided by the strength and integrity this defense mechanism: the immune system.

Most of the time we don’t even notice when our immune system is working. But when it has become compromised we are at a greater risk of developing infections and other health conditions…and that’s when we notice it!

Strengthening our immune system doesn’t happen over night. It requires patience and diet and lifestyle changes. Are you ready for the change?

Perhaps, before you can make this big decision, we should take a little look at just WHAT the immune system does for the body…

Functions of the Immune System

The immune system is a network of organs, white blood cells and proteins that protect the body from viruses and bacteria or any foreign substance. The immune system’s job is to: 1. Neutralize and remove pathogens like bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi that enter the body, and 2. Recognize and neutralize harmful substances from the environment, and fight against the body’s own cells that have changes due to illness.

This body system really is amazing! Did you know that the human immune system is constantly adapting and learning so that the body can fight bacteria or viruses that change over time? There are two parts of the immune system:

  • Our innate immune system: this works as a general defense against pathogens.
  • Our adaptive immune system: this targets very specific pathogens that the body has already had contact with.

These two systems complement each other and work to effectively react to pathogens and other harmful substances, protecting our health and defending the rest of our bodily functions against enemy invaders.

Now it could be said that there is a lot of pressure on the immune system to do its job. Which is why it needs our help, as well. It must be able to tell the difference between “self” and “non-self” cells.

  • “Non-self” substances are called antigens. These include the proteins on the surfaces of bacteria, fungi and viruses. The immune system detects the presence of antigens and works to defend the body against them.
  • “Self” substances are proteins on the surface of our own cells. When functioning properly and normally, the immune system has already learned at an earlier stage to identify these cell proteins as it’s own. However, there are times when it identifies its own body as “non-self”, and fights it. This is called an autoimmune reaction.


Autoimmune Disorders

Even though millions of Americans suffer from some form of autoimmunity, many without knowing it, we still have many questions about it. Questions that deserve some answers:

What is autoimmunity? Autoimmune diseases cause your immune system to attack your own body’s cells and tissues in response to an unknown trigger. Examples of autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes.

How does our immune system get confused? There are many theories about this, many of which are being tested, but we do know that foreign cells may get into the body through the intestines. Some foods cause inflammation and create gaps in our intestinal lining, allowing the foreign cells to leak through. This is called leaky gut syndrome. This may also be why people with autoimmune disorders can fluctuate between periods of remission and flare-ups with worsening conditions.

Does nutrition play a role, and can it help with flare ups? We already got a little bit of this question answered above, but let’s dive in a little deeper and examine it more. Think of your digestive tract as your first line of defense against autoimmune illness, or any illness for that matter. From entry to exit, the lining of your digestive tract is continuous with the skin that covers your body. This actually makes your digestive tract lining similar to your skin in a sense. It acts as a barrier that protects your blood and inner tissues against harmful substances. If you are suffering from an autoimmune condition, your digestive tract is probably not as healthy as it can be.

While there are many different foods that can contribute to autoimmune flare ups and problems, here are THREE of the biggest ones:


-A diet full of sugar, especially processed sugar, is NEVER good. It sabotages the immune system’s ability to combat illness, disease, and other threats to the body. Over consuming sugar leads to chronic inflammation, a big danger to anyone with autoimmune. This causes the body’s immune system to turn on, attacking healthy cells.


– It’s sad but true. It may be time to leave the dairy behind. For those with autoimmune, dairy can cause several problems and flare ups. The casein protein found in milk can cause inflammation in the body, which leads to a weakened immune system and an autoimmune flare up. These proteins can also mimic your body’s cells, like the pancreas. When the body mistakenly attacks the pancreas, a person may develop autoimmune type 1 diabetes.


-Gluten these days is rarely anyone’s friend, but it is a special enemy of those with autoimmune. Gluten can be dangerous, not just for those with celiac, but also for those suffering from many autoimmune diseases. If a person already has an autoimmune condition, then the body has trouble processing gluten naturally. Consuming gluten puts stress on the immune system that can result in flare ups.



I know this may require you to remove some of your favorite foods, and it’s hard, but there are also steps you can take to improve your digestion and autoimmune condition.

Hydrate…with water. Flushing out toxins and supporting cellular energy will go a long way to improving autoimmunity.

Next, go easy on your digestion. Stay away from those foods that cause inflammation, and maybe try fixing certain foods in a different way to make it easier to digest. For example, some veggies just go down better when lightly steamed. You can also add in some probiotics or digestive enzymes.

Finally, try some gentle exercise to reduce stress. This is a hard one to pull off, but so important. High stress leads to inflammation and other emotional problems that can cause autoimmune flare ups and other problems. So it makes sense, then, that lowering stress can make for a better and healthier you…and a stronger immune system!

The Medicine of Laughter

Beauty joyful girl with daysy flowers on her eyes enjoying natur

“I love to laugh,

Loud and long and clear!

I love to laugh,

So everybody can hear!”

(That seems to be one of the favorite and most catchy tunes from the movie…behind “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”, of course.)

We all love to laugh, right? It lightens up the mood, brings people closer together and makes us feel good (except maybe when we laugh so hard our sides hurt). What about when you are feeling really down, or having a bad day? Doesn’t it really brighten up your day, your mood, and even your whole body when someone (or something) makes you laugh? But have you ever thought much about WHY laughing makes you feel better…both emotionally and physically?


“The more you laugh,

The more you fill with glee!

The more the glee,

The more we’re a merrier we!”


Laughter is contagious. Even if you don’t know what you are laughing at sometimes you can’t help but laugh when everyone else is. And sometimes other people’s laughs make you laugh.

Science Behind Laughter

It’s true! Laughter is SCIENTIFICALLY good for your health! Now, I know science is not everyone’s favorite subject (it can get overwhelming sometimes for even the best of us), but just hang with me for a moment. I promise: no super technical terms or hard to pronounce words.

Laughter releases endorphins

Endorphins: Known as the “feel good” chemicals. They interact with brain receptors to help you feel more focused, less impacted by pain and put you in a better mood.

They have much in common with anti-anxiety prescriptions, though without all the risks…and much better for you! They work with your body’s design, not against it.

Endorphins work with serotonin and dopamine hormones.

Serotonin is a “happy hormone”. It improves mood, helps beat depression. It is needed for mood stabilization, good sleep, dreaming AND even blood pressure levels, digestion, and the regulation of body temperature.

Studies also show that laughter is linked to an elevated pain threshold.

It helps keep your brain sharp and more attentive. Don’t you usually feel more awake and alert after a good laugh? I know I do.

Another Thought:

Even the bible tells us laughter and merriment is good for us: “A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.” Proverbs 15:13

In several other verses in Proverbs…and all throughout the scripture, it speaks of the good of being merry and rejoicing together.

Ecclesiastes says there is a time and a purpose for everything…even laughter and dancing.

So… LAUGH, my friend! 

Detoxing at the Foundation

There are many ways people can detox, but I wanted to explain to you how I like to work with my clients to safely detoxify their body.

I customize the detox according to their body’s needs, but there are some major foundational issues that have to be covered in order to do a safe detoxification.

The first stage of detox I want to discuss is the neuroendocrine support. I want to reset the hypothalamus to be able to communicate effectively with the cells. Sometimes we can get a hitch in our get-along and the cells and the hypothalamus are not communicating well. Another thing that is real important is that the cells need to be hydrated. Sometimes we can drink a ton of water and our cells are still extremely dehydrated. Things like splenda, or something in our diet or even a toxin or chemical that we have been exposed to might have an effect on that.

The next part (stage 2) is the digestive support. This is foundational. It needs to be functioning because we are what we digest. So if we are not able to digest food or assimilate, or eliminate it, we have some problems. The body’s ability to digest food is critical to your over all health and your immune system, all of it. So we work on that foundational part at the beginning, as well.

Then we move on to stage 3, filtration and drainage support. And that is like the beginning of the detox. It is gentle and it helps clear out the liver, lymph, kidney and spleen. It also helps clear out the bowels, because we need to be able to get that rain gutter cleared out and flowing. Otherwise the rain is just going to get blocked.

Think about it like this: if you do a detox and your body is not ready to detox, what happens? The toxins move from one organ to another and it gets blocked there. Then you have new symptoms on a new part of your body and none of us want that. We want to feel better, not worse or have new problems. The liver, lymph, kidney, spleen detox is gentle and gets things moving. It’s not something that is going to be deep in the cells, it’s going to be moving and clearing out things that will be in the extra cellular matrix, the fluid that goes around the cells. And we want to help clean those out. The bowels have to be moving, as well. If not, the body will be detoxing through the skin or the sex organs, and that can compromise our ovaries and uterus and can cause problems in that area. We want to make sure that our body is detoxing through the primary pathways of elimination, which are the lungs and large intestines.

I work on stage 1, 2 and 3 at the beginning and stage 4 comes when the body tells me that these are moving and doing the right things. They may not be perfect but they are moving in the right direction, and that is critical.

So stage 4 is eliminating causative factors. This is getting deep into the cells. I use energetic assessments to track and detect frequencies of certain toxins or pathogens and it’s all energetically assessed. There is no diagnosing because I don’t believe diseases are anything but symptoms, and your body’s cry for help is coming because something is in the way. So once we get that thing that is in the way out of the way, your body can take care of the rest. And that is what I want to facilitate and help you do… to get your body to do what God designed it to do. Then we can step out of the way with all our efforts and let the body do what it already knows how to do.

Detoxing. What is it? Why is it Important?

Hand Writing Detox Your Body


Most of us don’t connect what we eat to how we feel.

Do you experience constipation, bloating, fatigue, low energy? Have these symptoms become part of your daily life? These could all be signs that your body is loaded with toxins and it is telling you it is in desperate need of a detox.

Detoxing is a way of cleaning the blood of all the toxins that fill it up over time.

A detox can help in many ways. A few ways are by:

  • Stimulating the liver to drive toxins from the body
  • Improving circulation of the blood
  • Promoting elimination through the intestines, kidneys and skin
  • Refueling the body with healthy nutrients

Detox is not a one size fits all kind of thing. I have several recommendations and how to discover what works best for YOUR body. Watch for more specific details about how I help my clients detox in my practice.


4 Simple Ways to Get Your Brain and Body in Gear for Each Day’s Adventures

Walking Or Running Legs In Forest, Adventure And Exercising

Each day and its events are gifts. New adventures to live and lessons to learn. Fun times to spend with family and friends, or maybe you are working today or going to school. Whatever the day holds for you, you want to be able to have energy to do what you need or want to do, and you want to be able to enjoy it as much as possible. But let’s admit it, there are those days when the alarm goes off in the morning and you just wish you could stay in bed. You can’t seem to get yourself going. You, half asleep, prepare for the day and slowly make it through the list of things to do (or most of them).

We all have many days like that. But how can we avoid them? Well, we can’t always avoid them. But here is the good news: We can help to lessen those days.

Here are some tips that can help you get your brain motivated and make you feel ready and alert for each new adventure.

1. Exercise

Keeping physically active is so important to your body’s health. Your brain included. Exercise increases the heart rate and gets more oxygen pumped to the brain. It also helps to release hormones that aid in the growth of brain cells. It helps us be more awake and alert and eager to get our day accomplished. So take just a few minutes a day to get that heart pumping. Do a few jumping jacks, take a short brisk walk around the block, and get ready for the day!

2. Food

While we know that eating food for fuel is a must, keeping our energy up, eating the right food is essential. The food we eat (and don’t eat) affect every part of our body, and God created foods to help each part. You probably grew up hearing certain foods referred to as “brain food”.

  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Salmon
  • Blueberries
  • Avocados
  • Walnuts

These brain foods, rich in antioxidants and good fats, vitamins and minerals can help improve overall brain function and memory and help your body to fight diseases.

3. Rest and Sleep

A well rested brain keeps the body functioning efficiently. We all know that when we are well rested we perform our duties much better and we are better equipped to tackle the day’s “To Do List”. Sleep has also been known to enhance memory and help improve performance of challenging skills. You are also better equipped to fight sickness. So let your brain relax at the end of the day. Clear your mind of stress and events from the day and get plenty of sleep.

4. Prayer and Bible Reading

What better way to get a healthy brain than to go to its Creator! Take all your stress and the things that clutter and slow her brain down and talk to God about them. Ask Him for help in clearing your mind and trusting Him with everything you worry about. He wants you to have a healthy brain, too.