The Medicine of Laughter

Beauty joyful girl with daysy flowers on her eyes enjoying natur

“I love to laugh,

Loud and long and clear!

I love to laugh,

So everybody can hear!”

(That seems to be one of the favorite and most catchy tunes from the movie…behind “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”, of course.)

We all love to laugh, right? It lightens up the mood, brings people closer together and makes us feel good (except maybe when we laugh so hard our sides hurt). What about when you are feeling really down, or having a bad day? Doesn’t it really brighten up your day, your mood, and even your whole body when someone (or something) makes you laugh? But have you ever thought much about WHY laughing makes you feel better…both emotionally and physically?


“The more you laugh,

The more you fill with glee!

The more the glee,

The more we’re a merrier we!”


Laughter is contagious. Even if you don’t know what you are laughing at sometimes you can’t help but laugh when everyone else is. And sometimes other people’s laughs make you laugh.

Science Behind Laughter

It’s true! Laughter is SCIENTIFICALLY good for your health! Now, I know science is not everyone’s favorite subject (it can get overwhelming sometimes for even the best of us), but just hang with me for a moment. I promise: no super technical terms or hard to pronounce words.

Laughter releases endorphins

Endorphins: Known as the “feel good” chemicals. They interact with brain receptors to help you feel more focused, less impacted by pain and put you in a better mood.

They have much in common with anti-anxiety prescriptions, though without all the risks…and much better for you! They work with your body’s design, not against it.

Endorphins work with serotonin and dopamine hormones.

Serotonin is a “happy hormone”. It improves mood, helps beat depression. It is needed for mood stabilization, good sleep, dreaming AND even blood pressure levels, digestion, and the regulation of body temperature.

Studies also show that laughter is linked to an elevated pain threshold.

It helps keep your brain sharp and more attentive. Don’t you usually feel more awake and alert after a good laugh? I know I do.

Another Thought:

Even the bible tells us laughter and merriment is good for us: “A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.” Proverbs 15:13

In several other verses in Proverbs…and all throughout the scripture, it speaks of the good of being merry and rejoicing together.

Ecclesiastes says there is a time and a purpose for everything…even laughter and dancing.

So… LAUGH, my friend!Â