6 Things That Weaken Your Immune System

Over the past several years we have gotten further away from the natural lifestyle that God intended for us to live for the best health we can have on this earth. Instead of turning to the products and resources He has placed here for us, that are meant to attack the root problem, we turn to medications and other expensive treatments that just stop the symptoms and ignore the true problem…while at the same time creating even more health side effects we didn’t bargain for.

6 Things that Weaken Your Immune System

1. Lack of Vitamin D – Vitamin D is very important to a strong immune system. More and more evidence is showing that a vitamin d deficiency is a big culprit in increased susceptibility to infections and illnesses.

2. Stress – Chronic stress has been shown to suppress protective immune responses, weakens our internal organs and leave us more susceptible to disease. It actually really confuses your immune system. It triggers immune overreactions and under-reactions. The overreactions can leave you struggling with autoimmune symptoms. Immune system under-reactions could leave you catching every cold, flu, or other bug that’s going around. It’s a hard one to avoid, but it is one that we all need to reduce in our daily life for optimum health.

3. Sugar and Processed Foods – Consuming refined sugars can cause chronic inflammation in the body, and it has been shown to shut down white blood cell production for up to five hours. Processed foods and diets high in sugar can cause gut damages (the first line of defense in the immune system), and cause other organs, such as the brain, heart and liver to not function properly.

4. Lack of Good Quality Sleep – It’s not just getting enough sleep, though it is important to get at least 7 hours, but you also need to be sure you are getting GOOD QUALITY sleep. When you aren’t getting enough quality sleep, or enough sleep in general, your immune system won’t be able to function properly. Try turning off your devices at least an hour before bedtime and sleep in a dark, cool (but not cold) room.

5. Lack of Physical Touch – Physical touch has been shown to boost the immune system. Hugs strengthen the immune system…The gentle pressure on the sternum and the emotional charge this creates stimulates the thymus gland. This regulates and balances the body’s production of white blood cells. Hugging also induces the “stress buffering effect”, where the individual who is hugged often is less likely to become sick due to stress-induced illness.

6. Using Harsh Chemicals and Cleaners – In order to keep the immune system continuously protected from very harmful bacteria and viruses, the microbiome of our skin requires some level of pathogens and bacteria. Using all these harsh cleaners and anti-bacterial soaps destroy the natural dirt that our body actually relies on to stay healthy. Researchers have found that exposure to outdoor microbes (such as dirt) is linked to a stronger more robust immune system.


6 Things to Boost Your Immune System

After finding out everything that damages our immune system, it’s always nice to know what we can do to get our defenses back up and in working order again.

1. Probiotics – Did you know that your gut health and immune system are linked? Seventy to eighty percent of your immune tissue is located in your digestive system. The gut is often the first entry point for exposure to bad bacteria, so protecting your gut is an important part of keeping your immune system in good condition. This is where probiotic foods and supplements some in. Probiotics are good bacteria that help you digest nutrients that boost the detoxification of your colon and support your immune system.

2. Vitamin C and D – Vitamin C foods contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Studies have shown that getting enough Vitamin C in your diet may help to reduce the symptoms of respiratory infections and shorten the duration of some illnesses, such as the common cold.
Knowing that the lack of Vitamin D leaves us much more susceptible to illnesses and infections, it stands to reason that getting more Vitamin D will help to boost our immune system. Traditionally, the human vitamin D system begins in the skin, not from the foods you eat. You can consume supplements or Vitamin D rich foods such as raw milk and wild-caught salmon, whitefish, sardines or tuna, but the most effective way is through natural sunlight.

3. Eat Whole Foods – A strong immune system starts in your gut. Think of the gut as the first line of defense against enemy invaders. That means what you put into your digestive system has the power to either harm or help you. Eating whole, organic foods helps to provide your body with the nutritional ammunition it needs to fight of sickness, and protect your gut from damage.

4. Exercise – Staying active and incorporating exercise into your daily and weekly routine is important to a strong immune system. It not only keeps your body in good shape and gives it energy to fend off nasty invaders, but it can also improve the gradual deterioration of the immune system.

5. Herbs – Antiviral herbs inhibit the development of viruses and boost the immune system, helping it to attack viral pathogens that are harmful to the body. Some of the top antiviral herbs include Echinacea, Elderberry, Garlic, Licorice Root, Oregano and Sage. You can incorporate these into your health routine through herbal teas, essential oils, and cooking.

6. Proper Hygiene – It goes without saying that proper hygiene (washing hands after coughing or sneezing, or if you are sick) is important for making sure we avoid germs and bad bacteria. But here is something you may NOT know: don’t clean too much! There is a balance…and you know, a little bit of dirt and mud and GOOD bacteria is also good for the immune system.

6 Surprising Vitamin C Foods!


What is Vitamin C?

An important water-soluble vitamin that also doubles as a powerful antioxidant, Vitamin C is crucial to our health. While Vitamin C also plays a role in many aspects of our health (including wound healing, bone formation, and the development of connective tissues in the body), being deficient in Vitamin C can cause havoc on just about everything from immune system function to skin health to energy levels.

Vitamin C Deficiency Symptoms:

While the most well-known Vitamin C deficiency disease is scurvy (with symptoms like bleeding gums, loose teeth and skin rashes), there are several more symptoms that could point out we are lacking in this important vitamin:


-Poor Immune System



-Bleeding Gums

-Weakened Bones

-Dry Skin

-Easy Bruising

-Nail Issues

-Dry/Splitting Hair


Vitamin C Benefits:

And these are just the tips of the iceberg!

-Powerful in Antioxidants – Antioxidants play a large role in health. They help fight off free radicals, minimize oxidative stress and damage to your cells. They may also help with multiple chronic conditions, including heart disease and autoimmune disorders. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, helping fight free radicals and protect the body against disease.

-Heart Health – Your heart is one of the most important organs in your body. It works tirelessly to provide your cells with the oxygen and nutrients they need. Getting more Vitamin C foods into your diet may help protect the health of your heart and prevent heart disease.

-Glowing Skin – The antioxidant content in Vitamin C benefits skin health in a variety of different ways. Due to its involvement in the synthesis of collagen, Vitamin C can help slow down skin aging, protect the skin against damage and free radical formation caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays, and may also help prevent dark spots by suppressing melanin production.

-Boosts Immune System – Probably the best known benefit of Vitamin C, and most people’s go to defense during flu season and when colds come along. Studies have shown that getting enough Vitamin C may help reduce symptoms and shorten the duration of respiratory tract infections, such as the common cold.


Surprising Vitamin C Foods:

-Star Fruit – As you have probably gathered from it’s name…this fruit is shaped like a star, and it is packed with important nutrients and health benefits. High in Vitamin C, antioxidants and fiber, this is a fruit that you might consider adding to your plate.

-Kakadu Plum – Not very well known, but according to the Australian researchers…the Kakadu plum has the “highest recorded level of natural Vitamin C content of any plant in the world — more than 100 times that of oranges.”

-Acerola Cherry – It is believed that this lesser-known fruit is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C available to us, providing around 50–100 times more than oranges or lemons!

-Red Cabbage – Did you know that red cabbage contains more Vitamin C than ORANGES…our #1 go to when we think of Vitamin C?!

-Broccoli and Kale – We know that green leafy vegetables contain good sources of magnesium, zinc, calcium and other necessary nutrients, but did you know that a serving of these delicious greens contain high amounts of Vitamin C, too?

-Black Currants – Black currant is just bursting with Vitamin C! One cup of raw black currants can provide triple the amount you need for the entire day!


Can You Have Too Much?

Just like with everything else, too much of a good thing can be too much of a bad thing. Over indulging on Vitamin C can cause digestive issues, headaches, heartburn and wear down your tooth enamel. So if you find yourself to be deficient in Vitamin C, it’s always wise not to panic and go overboard.

Certain studies have found that taking between 200 and 500 milligrams per day is plenty to experience health benefits and that doses higher than this may not even be absorbed. Some experts recommend taking no more than 2,000 milligrams per day, especially if taking high doses for weeks or months on end.

An Apple a Day – Health Benefits of Apples and Apple Cider Vinegar

Apples. Another fall favorite!

You’ve probably heard the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. But how true is it? Is it just an old wives tale? Or is there some validity to it?

Health Benefits of Apples

  1. High in Fiber – Every apple contains over four grams of fiber, making it an ultimate high-fiber food. The fiber found in apples helps make you feel full. It’s also important for detoxification.
  2. Digestive Health – The pectin in apples helps regulate the body’s use of sugars and cholesterol. It also helps cleanse the blood and digestive tract. Pectin is considered a natural diuretic. It is a mild laxative that can help combat bloating and uncomfortable water retention.
  3. High in Antioxidants – Apples are a very significant source of flavonoids. They also contain the compounds quercetin, catechin, phloridzin, and chlorogenic acid, which help fight free radicals and have anti-proliferative and beneficial cell-signaling effects.
  4. Vitamin C – You can get about 14 percent of your daily Vitamin C intake from a medium apple. Vitamin C helps to fight free radical damage and protect DNA and cells from mutation and malformation. It is crucial for maintaining a healthy metabolism and repairing tissue in the eyes and skin.
  5. Source of Boron – Apples are a great natural source of boron, which is a mineral that is very important for building strong bones, building muscle mass and supporting brain function.
  6. Heart Health – The type of fiber found in apples, pectin, is known for lowering cholesterol levels.


Now, unfortunately, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) puts apples on the Dirty Dozen list. This means that they are high on the list of chemically sprayed fruits and vegetables. In fact, apples were the fruit with the highest number of pesticides! So…you definitely want to buy organic apples when shopping at the grocery store or farmers market.

Is it REALLY that important, though? The short answer…yes!

Many of the antioxidants found in apples are considered delicate. They are preserved best when the apples are eaten raw or lightly cooked. High temperatures can negatively impact an apple’s nutrients. So try to avoid any packaged foods made with apple. And when you use them in your kitchen, keep cooking them to a minimum.

What About Apple Cider Vinegar?

When talking about the health benefits of apples, we can’t overlook one of the best fermented, fast becoming popular health foods: apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar benefits the body in so many ways. It can improve immunity, treat the gut, fight cravings and so much more!

  1. Regulates Blood Sugar – One study showed that consuming apple cider vinegar decreased blood sugar levels on average by about 31% after eating white bread.
  2. Cholesterol – Apple cider vinegar contains chlorogenic acids, which can help lower bad cholesterol by preventing it from accumulating in the bloodstream.
  3. Lower Blood Pressure – The main component in apple cider vinegar, acetic acid, has been shown to reduce blood pressure levels and promote heart health.
  4. Acid Reflux – Drinking apple cider vinegar may help provide relief from acid reflux by introducing more acid into the digestive track and prevent acid backflow.
  5. Skin Health – Vinegar is known to have high antibacterial properties and has been shown to be effective against harmful bacteria. This makes apple cider vinegar pretty effective in reducing scars and improving acne. It also contains specific compound that inhibit the the growth of the strain of bacteria responsible for causing acne.
  6. Disinfectant – Apple cider vinegar has amazing antibacterial properties. This makes it perfect for killing of germs and bad bacteria and keeping your home clean!


And, of course, what is a post about apples without ending with a delicious apple recipe!

Apple Cider Recipe