Glowing Beautiful Skin – What to Do and NOT Do


Our skin reflects what is going on in our body.

What happens in our gut effects what happens throughout our entire body. So you begin with the gut to cleanse the skin. Here is a list of some of my favorite “do”s and “don’t”s for healthy skin, starting with…

What Goes Inside

NO gluten – Gluten can cause inflammation and cause irritation to the gut and digestive system. Remember, what happens in the gut effects the rest of the body. Plus, the gluten in the U.S. today is highly processed and grown with chemicals that can do lots of damage to the body.

NO dairy – The dairy industry today is quite a bit different than back in the olden days. Especially that from cows. Dairy can cause inflammation and it can cause your skin to produce excess sebum which leads to clogged pores and more acne.

NO sugar – Sugar can break down the collagen in your body and your skin can lose its elasticity. It can also cause inflammation. Opt for an antioxidant honey instead.

NO highly processed foods – All the extra sugar and chemical intake from these foods wears down the collagen and elastin in your skin. It also causes inflammation in the skin, which can lead to acne breakouts. (NOTE: Processed foods can be kind of tricky to define. It’s probably a good idea to know what processed foods are.)

Stay hydrated – Even when you don’t feel like drinking water adding some cucumbers and watermelon to your diet (especially during the summer) is a delicious way to stay hydrated. 🙂

EAT probiotics – The good bacteria in probiotics helps keep your gut healthy. Having a healthy gut helps to have healthy skin.

EAT Omega-3s – Your omega-9 fatty acids are great for glowing skin. They can help soothe inflammation that can be a cause for acne breakouts as well.

EAT Vitamin C – It is well known for having antioxidant properties, and can also help against sun damage. Citrus fruits and vegetables are a great natural source of this important vitamin.

EAT Bone Broth – Bone broth is high in collagen which can help reduce inflammation and improve the skin’s elasticity.


What Goes Outside

Clean and treat your face at night. Your face gets dirty throughout the day, and your makeup can clog your pores, causing more breakouts.

Switching your products too regularly might not agree with your skin. Give the product time to work.

Look at the ingredients. Avoid chemicals and synthetic scents and colors. The closer to nature your products are, the better for your skin. Do you know how much FOOD you can put on to help your skin health?? There are a lot I could name, but I’ll just give you three favorites.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar can help to kill pathogens and helps to cleanse the skin. It contains potassium and magnesium to help balance gut bacteria, which is vital to skin health. It is also a more inexpensive product…and it can go a long way.
  • Coconut Oil – Coconut oil can help strengthen the epidermal tissue, ease sunburns and is even a good makeup remover. It contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, plus a lot of healthy fats that help nourish the gut and improve immune function. A way to improve your skin health from the inside out!
  • Raw Honey – RAW honey is full of enzymes, nutrients and vitamins for the skin. It also contains antiseptic qualities that can help with rashes, scars and wounds, and may help to reduce breakouts and contain moisturizing properties.

Essential Oils

  • Lemon – Lemon just seems to brighten up everything! And your face is no exception! It is antibacterial and it can help lighten dark spots and tone the skin. avoid applying lemon, or any citrus oil, to your skin that will be exposed to sunlight or UV light for 24 hours.
  • Lavender – Lavender contains antimicrobial and antioxidant characteristics that make it great for the skin. It is one of the more gentler oils so it can be soothing for itching and burning skin. And soothing to the nose as well.
  • Frankincense – Frankincense has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It may help to strengthen and tone the skin and may improve elasticity. It may also help to reduce the appearance of scars and acne.
  • Tea Tree – Tea Tree oil has long been used in Australia to help fight inflammation, break outs and some redness on the skin. It is usually very gentle on the skin and is great when combined with a carrier oil…such as coconut oil.

5 Great Ideas For Spring Health



Spring Cleaning

Something about spring makes us want to clean and organize our homes. Cleaning out rooms and getting rid of things we don’t need or want any more makes us feel lighter and fresher. A fitting feeling for spring I would say.

However, spring cleaning shouldn’t just be focused on our homes and the “stuff” in it. I think it should also apply to our bodies as well. Cleaning up our diets and getting rid of all the yucky foods that our bodies don’t need is a great way to get that lighter, fresher feeling both inside and out! Plus, you can kill two birds with one stone and give your fridge a good cleaning out at the same time!

Food – What’s in Season?

Asparagus – This super food is chock full of Vitamins K and C! It helps feed the good bacteria in your digestive tract. Comes in handy during the seasons when our immune systems can be compromised. 

Broccoli – The Italians introduced it to us. You can cook it, boil it, steam it or just eat it raw… and get a good dose of Vitamin C, calcium and fiber.

Rhubarb – Yes, we make a famous pie out of a vegetable! In addition to being high in fiber to help with proper digestion, it is a great source of Vitamins K and C and iron.

Mango – A good dose of Vitamins C and A, full of fiber and potassium and can help your digestive system. It’s really a wonderful refreshing spring fruit!

Strawberries – On top of being delicious and very refreshing, they are high in Vitamin C to help build up your immune system during these compromising months. And they are also good for your teeth! 

Weather and Colors

It really is true that colors have an effect upon our moods. Do you like to dress in colors that match the season? Florals or brighter, happier colors than you did in the fall and winter? The changing of the seasons is a good time to brighten up your wardrobe… and even your overall mood!

Good Springtime Oils 

Jasmine – Sweet spring smell in a bottle! It lifts up your spirits and can help ease stress.

Lavender – This one is very well known. It’s sweet and uplifting smell can help to soothe stressful days, support the immune system and brighten your mood and get you eager for spring!

Lemon (other citrus oils) – Very few people can remain gloomy after smelling citrus. Lemon and orange are great for waking up the mind, and for supporting the immune system.

Peppermint – A favorite of many and a smell recognized by all, it brings alertness to your senses, supports your immune system… and makes you and your home smell wonderful!  (Peppermint is wonderful mixed with lemon…for a double whammy!)


Favorite Spring Events

The weather is so pretty! Get outside and enjoy it while it lasts! Hot scorching weather is coming… especially for Texas.

Get some exercise. Walk around your neighborhood, go for a hike or a bike ride. Take some deep breaths of fresh spring air… and take your camera with you! You might find some beautiful scenery or blooming flowers to photograph.