Effects of Dehydration

person holding drinking cup sitting
Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Pexels.com

We all know that drinking water is important for our health. But that’s about as far as most of us get. We often don’t realize just HOW MUCH water impacts our body and all the effects dehydration has on us. And, if we are honest, the vast majority of us don’t drink as much water or consume as many hydrating foods as we should.

So let’s dive a LITTLE deeper…starting with the different kinds of dehydration. Yes, there’s more than one!

Types of Dehydration:

  1. Hypotonic/Hyponatremic – The loss of electrolytes, mostly sodium.
  2. Hypertonic/Hypernatremic – The loss of water.
  3. Isotonic/Isonatremic – The loss of both electrolytes and water.


Dehydration Symptoms:

There are some symptoms of dehydration that are more obvious: thirst, feeling sick in the heat…We naturally associate these with dehydration (especially during the hot summer months, or when we are really active). But sometimes the symptoms can be a little more sneaky and effect us in ways that we don’t even think to connect with our body’s lack of water and/or electrolytes.

-Dry Mouth and Bad Breath – Human saliva is primarily composed of water. It is essential in keeping your mouth bacteria-free. Thus, a lack of water can facilitate an overgrowth of these bacteria. This overgrowth of bacteria can cause you to have bad breath.

-Muscle Weakness – Water helps your muscles perform all their day-to-day tasks such as contracting and relaxing. When you have a great loss of fluids or a lack of consumption, your body loses a lot of minerals, When your body has a shortage of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium, you can find yourself feeling lethargic. Lack of these electrolytes can cause a fluid imbalance and induce muscle spasms.

-Headache – Headaches, due to dehydration, can range from mild to a more severe migraine. When the body is dehydrated, the brain can temporarily contract or shrink from fluid loss. This causes the brain to pull away from the skull, causing pain and resulting in a headache. Now, it may sound a little freaky, but there is no need to panic just yet. Make sure you re-hydrate and your brain will go back to normal.

-Dizziness – Lack of water even affects your blood. When you’re severely dehydrated, your blood pressure can drop. This decreases blood flow to the brain and you can start to feel dizzy.

-Digestive Issues – Your kidneys and liver require water to clean your blood, produce urine and help your body to get rid of waste. Dehydration can worsen constipation, diarrhea and other digestive issues so up your water intake and consume high-fiber foods to “keep things moving.”

-Skin and Hair IssuesYour body needs enough moisture to sweat the amount necessary to dilute toxins so they do not irritate the skin. Lack of water IN the body leads to dry skin on the OUTSIDE, dull and bloodshot eyes and dry, weak and brittle hair.

-Excess Weight – We often times confuse thirst for hunger, so we tend to eat more when what our body really needs is more water or foods rich in water.

-Fatigue – Just about every function in the body depends on water. As we have already learned, water is crucial for proper digestion, it affects your brain health (mood goes a long way in dictating energy levels), it helps your heart pump blood more effectively, and helps transport oxygen and other essential nutrients to your cells. So it’s little wonder dehydration can lower our energy!


Hydrating Foods:

While drinking water is the best way to stay hydrated, you can also do that by adding more hydrating FOODS into your diet. It can be easier, and more fun, to consume these water-rich foods than trying to remember to chug glasses of water every day.

These are NOT to take place of drinking water, you should still continue to do that. But these are ways to ADD to your water consumption, while also consuming other nutrients your body needs at the same time!



-Bell Peppers


-Citrus Fruits



Now there is the ever asked question: How much water should we be drinking each day? You’ve probably been told that “eight glasses per day” is the the standard recommendation for adults. While that is a good place to start, the actual amount that you need depends on factors of each individual… such as your body size, activity level, age, diet, and how much alcohol, coffee and other drinks you consume.

Ways to Have Fun When Stuck at Home!

Mother with children Having Fun in the field. Foces on eyes.


While I know it can be hard to be stuck at home (especially with summer approaching) and nowhere to go, nothing to do…it doesn’t have to be boring! Here are 15 ideas for you to spend the long hours you are cooped up…and make them not so long, WHILE also feeling productive!

  1. Cook – Make some of your favorite foods OR try out that NEW recipe you have been waiting for the right time to use.
  2. DIY Craft Projects – We all have them lying around somewhere…and it does make you feel really productive to get it accomplished, finally.
  3. Spring Cleaning/Organizing
  4. Read a Book – Take away some stress and cabin fever by losing yourself in a good story. There are so many good ones out there!
  5. Exercise – You know that excuse “I don’t have time”? Yeah, not really valid here.
  6. Diet – See above… 😉
  7. Learn an Instrument – Dust off that family piano! 😛
  8. Family Games
  9. Puzzles
  10. Coloring Books
  11. Plant a Garden – Springtime! New beginnings, beauty blossoms, moods boost. You can start your own! It is actually VERY satisfying to watch things grow. 🙂
  12. Go for a Walk (Get OUTSIDE!!!) – Vitamin D…good for your mood AND immune system. Win Win!
  13. Prayer  – This is a great time (when you have nothing but time) to lift up our nation and neighbors in prayer
  14. Epsom Salt Bath – You now have some time to relax. You can take advantage of that. Your body will thank you. It’s good for stress, muscles, and mood.
  15. Detox – While all canned food and boxed goods are hard to find, now is a good time to take advantage of all the fruits and veggies that are well stocked.

Detoxing at the Foundation

There are many ways people can detox, but I wanted to explain to you how I like to work with my clients to safely detoxify their body.

I customize the detox according to their body’s needs, but there are some major foundational issues that have to be covered in order to do a safe detoxification.

The first stage of detox I want to discuss is the neuroendocrine support. I want to reset the hypothalamus to be able to communicate effectively with the cells. Sometimes we can get a hitch in our get-along and the cells and the hypothalamus are not communicating well. Another thing that is real important is that the cells need to be hydrated. Sometimes we can drink a ton of water and our cells are still extremely dehydrated. Things like splenda, or something in our diet or even a toxin or chemical that we have been exposed to might have an effect on that.

The next part (stage 2) is the digestive support. This is foundational. It needs to be functioning because we are what we digest. So if we are not able to digest food or assimilate, or eliminate it, we have some problems. The body’s ability to digest food is critical to your over all health and your immune system, all of it. So we work on that foundational part at the beginning, as well.

Then we move on to stage 3, filtration and drainage support. And that is like the beginning of the detox. It is gentle and it helps clear out the liver, lymph, kidney and spleen. It also helps clear out the bowels, because we need to be able to get that rain gutter cleared out and flowing. Otherwise the rain is just going to get blocked.

Think about it like this: if you do a detox and your body is not ready to detox, what happens? The toxins move from one organ to another and it gets blocked there. Then you have new symptoms on a new part of your body and none of us want that. We want to feel better, not worse or have new problems. The liver, lymph, kidney, spleen detox is gentle and gets things moving. It’s not something that is going to be deep in the cells, it’s going to be moving and clearing out things that will be in the extra cellular matrix, the fluid that goes around the cells. And we want to help clean those out. The bowels have to be moving, as well. If not, the body will be detoxing through the skin or the sex organs, and that can compromise our ovaries and uterus and can cause problems in that area. We want to make sure that our body is detoxing through the primary pathways of elimination, which are the lungs and large intestines.

I work on stage 1, 2 and 3 at the beginning and stage 4 comes when the body tells me that these are moving and doing the right things. They may not be perfect but they are moving in the right direction, and that is critical.

So stage 4 is eliminating causative factors. This is getting deep into the cells. I use energetic assessments to track and detect frequencies of certain toxins or pathogens and it’s all energetically assessed. There is no diagnosing because I don’t believe diseases are anything but symptoms, and your body’s cry for help is coming because something is in the way. So once we get that thing that is in the way out of the way, your body can take care of the rest. And that is what I want to facilitate and help you do… to get your body to do what God designed it to do. Then we can step out of the way with all our efforts and let the body do what it already knows how to do.

Detoxing. What is it? Why is it Important?

Hand Writing Detox Your Body


Most of us don’t connect what we eat to how we feel.

Do you experience constipation, bloating, fatigue, low energy? Have these symptoms become part of your daily life? These could all be signs that your body is loaded with toxins and it is telling you it is in desperate need of a detox.

Detoxing is a way of cleaning the blood of all the toxins that fill it up over time.

A detox can help in many ways. A few ways are by:

  • Stimulating the liver to drive toxins from the body
  • Improving circulation of the blood
  • Promoting elimination through the intestines, kidneys and skin
  • Refueling the body with healthy nutrients

Detox is not a one size fits all kind of thing. I have several recommendations and how to discover what works best for YOUR body. Watch for more specific details about how I help my clients detox in my practice.


4 Simple Steps to Help Clear and Maintain Healthy Skin


We would all love to have clear, flawless skin, right? But we can never seem to get rid of those annoying wrinkles or those pesky red spots. Just when you get rid of one two more pop up somewhere else. Usually we rush for some treatment we see on a commercial (those people have perfect skin so it must work, right?). But the chemicals in those treatments make our problem worse.

Here are 4 natural tips to try and minimize acne and other other problems and help maintain clear and healthy skin.

1. Stress

Stress causes hormone imbalances which results in many skin problems, such as acne, eczema, hives and psoriasis. Stress hormones increase oil production, which can lead to clogged pores and whiteheads.

Take time each day to relax. Take a walk in nature, soak in a tub, listen to music or read a book. Whatever make you calm down and leave your cares behind you for a while.

2. Eat the Right Foods

A portion of the body’s toxic waste is eliminated through sweating. If the body has more toxins than the kidneys and liver can get rid of effectively, the skin takes over and the toxins escape through the skin. This can disrupt the skin’s health integrity and cause skin disorders.

It may be cliche to read “you are what you eat.” Actually, you are what you digest. What you put into your body that isn’t used well can come out through your skin in the forms of hives, acne and eczema and many other skin disorders. Avoid processed foods, artificial flavors and high amounts of sugar. Be sure and drink plenty of distilled water and consume foods rich in vitamin E, Biotin and antioxidants, such as berries, almonds and salmon.

3. Avoid Chemicals

Using harsh chemicals and dyes can irritate skin follicles and clog pores. This increases acne and many chemicals can also dry out the skin and cause redness. This includes conventional household cleaning products AND your skincare products. It may be time to clean out your skincare routine and check up on the ingredients in your makeups and beauty products.

4. Essential Oils

Essential Oils are a great way to clear and rejuvenate the skin. Most essential oils are gentle on the skin and they get to the root of the problem instead of just treating the symptom. Essential oils have the power to kill the bad bacteria in your skin. Lavender oil also is great for protecting the skin from irritation and soothing stress.

*Not every essential oil used by one person may be the one that is right for you. I recommend testing each one to see what works for you.  Bring me your oils and let me teach you muscle testing to discover what oils work for you.

The Truth About Detoxes

With all of the publicity detoxes have been getting lately, alternative health has kind of snuck its way into the spotlight. Deep down, I think everyone knows that the way in which our society operates now is not normal or natural. You can see the black clouds billowing out of semi trucks that are hauling boxes of food so stuffed full of preservatives that it could last beyond the stinkin’ apocalypse. Knowing what you ingest, it is natural to want to clear your body of this gunk. So, you might do the cayenne-lemon water detox, drink juice for three weeks, sweat it out in saunas, and all of the toxins just flow out of your body.

Or do they?

I’ll tell you this: I believe that detoxes work. But, the catch is, they work when and ONLY when your body will allow it.

Your body does a pretty good job of cleaning out toxins all on its own, but sometimes it needs help. To prepare your body for a detox diet, you must clear the pathways so the toxins can exit. Make sure the basics are nourished first. By this, I mean you must be eating healthily, drinking enough water, and have good levels of nutrients. Your hypothalamus must be firing properly. Get things moving, clearing out and hydrated, and THEN go for a detox.

I’m sure you have heard of someone that got very sick while attempting a detox diet. I would assert that it’s because they hadn’t nurtured their basic bodily needs before demanding the cells to let go of toxins. The toxins couldn’t get out of the body, so they caused illness.

If you want to attempt a detox, here is what you should do:

Discuss your plans with your favorite natural health practitioner. Together we can create a protocol to prepare your body for detoxification.

Tell me in the comment section about your detox experiences–good and bad!